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Workout process of yoga to lose weight

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Thrilling in the extreme, Fatal Secrets is a definite page-flipper.

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IWorkout process of yoga to lose weight - Standing in the starting position, lower arms freely down along the trunk leaning forward, place your hands on the waist by pulling your elbows back as much as possible, while the shoulders straighten. Slowly inhale nose, after a very sharp exhale through the nose, straining as much as possible the abdominals. how to treat vitiligo


Then inhale sharply, with the power of inflating the stomach and exhale again quickly. Depending on the training can perform this exercise from 5 to 20 times. Repeat the first, but now run it on a breath without exhalation and inhalation. Repeat the second exercise, breathing rate - the usual. Repeat the third exercise - breathing rate - the usual."Navasana" - Sit on the floor, resting on the palm of the buttocks, the direction of the fingers - to back need to slightly bend over backwards while thrusting chest back does not bend, remaining flat.


- at a right angle at the knees, stand flat on the floor, feet together.Lift the leg, severing the foot from the floor about the width of a children's palm. The legs do not separate them. Sit on the buttocks and coccyx. On the inhale, proceed as follows: without changing the angle slowly straighten your legs. Feet must rise above the level of the head. Then pull out his hands, turning them into his hands and holding them parallel to the floor.

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